Saturday, December 5, 2009

Naked Angels for Animals

Joanna Krupa gets naked for animals, and disrespects a religion to boot.
Let's get naked to adopt animals, and totally disrespect a religion for this cause. Of course, this isn't the first time Peta has screwed around with people's religions. Is there any greater way to secure yourself a place in the world as a horridly disrespectful and insensitive organization than with stunts like these?

As a practicing Catholic myself (oh yeah, church every sunday and all that jazz) this made me foam at the mouth. There were so many ways to do this ad in a much more tasteful fashion, and yet they didn't. Why? Because, as Joanna herself says, "my team told them we wanted to make sure the concept is controversial, sadly, because that's the only way to get your message out there." Yes. Because dressing up in a toga or a robe would really take away from the message. I mean, I'm guessing since this is an ad about being an angel, and angel is supposed to be giving us this message, right? An angel, not a naked playboy bunny who looks like she just got off the set for some racy "angel's on earth and in bed" porn movie.

As a women, I've always found their objectification of women disgusting. Women seem to have no place in Peta except as sex objects to push their agenda. When they're not showering naked in public, they're getting naked and sexy to oppose fur (oh yes indeed, that's Joanna again). Why don't they showcase any normal looking women in their ads? As Lisa Lange says, "sex sells". Right. Because when people see naked girls, they're totally thinking about the message, and they're totally not standing there going "OMGZ BOOBIES". Damn,  I don't even like boobs, they're so... booby, but I'll admit that's my reaction. Of course, seeing people degraded like that, turned into objects and treated like nothing more than tools, doesn't make me think too highly of the organization that's putting them in those types of positions (even if they do agree to it, although I'm sure the money changing hands helps a bit with that).

There are actually people saying "that's not a crucifix, that's a cross, and the cross isn't just Christian, it's a symbol for other things too, durrr". Of course, they're wrong. The type of cross she is holding is similar to the Crux Gemmata, a cross with forked ends and 13 gems arranged upon it (if you count the oblong shapes on the cross Joanna is holding, you'll come out close to around 13). Still don't see it? Here's another example of a Crux Gemmata. Add to that that she is in a freaking CATHEDRAL, and it's more than apparent that it is a Christian cross, a symbol that is highly sacred to Christians (yes, Catholics and Protestants included, amazing I know) and that shouldn't be used in a context like this.

The Catholic League has spoken out about this ad (I'm liking the prez here), saying that is is wrong, disrespectful, and distasteful. Joanna's reply? "I am a proud Catholic and I am sure God is looking down shaking His head in disagreement with the Catholic League's comments." She believes that God would accept her using sex to spread a message of kindness. How can you spread a message of kindness if you are showing that you have no respect, not for others, and not for your own religion? She actually has the gall to say she is a "proud Catholic"! Let me tell you, there are very few practicing, regular church going Catholics who think that getting naked and parading around with a cross covering their naughty bits is "good". It's not even the nakedness so much, let's face it, Adam and Eve are always portrayed as naked with fig leaves. It's the fact that she is using a sacred Christian symbol in an ad that is using sex to promote an idea.

Now, as a first generation American of Polish descent, I'm ashamed and appalled at her acts. She says she is a Catholic, but I find it hard to believe. There's something missing there; I grew up in a Polish Catholic home, and it was by no means strict, but somehow I never got it into my head that standing around naked with a cross was "all right" and "tasteful". I don't know what her upbringing was like, but I can guess. I mean, just like me, she grew up in good ol' Chicago. There's a large population of Poles here, and a lot of Polish churches, most of which I've been in. I can find no part of any teachings of either the Catholic church or the general Polish home teachings that would have said "yes, this is okay. Get naked. With a Cross".

Thank you, Joanna, for giving Polish youth another terrible role model to look up to, and thank you Peta for showing, once again, just how callous, unfeeling, and disrespectful you can be.

1 comment:

  1. Este poderoso secreto trae incrustadas siete piedras preciosas con los colores de Los Chakras que se convierten en centros de energía. Al portar la Crux gemmata
    nos brinda salud en el alma y el cuerpo, protegiéndonos de cualquier clase de daño que quieran hacernos por envidia o maldad.
