Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Peta2: Thanks, I needed the laugh

Oh Peta2, not only are you a cesspool of immaturity and one-track minds, you are also a veritable medley of humor.

Here are just a few gems:

"Make the S.O. cook their own meat. My boyfriend eats meat, and he said he's not going to give it up.

Well if he dosen't that's his choice, but he will have to learn to cook it/cook it on his own.
If he wants me to do all the cooking, he's going to be eating vegan every day.
That's my opinion.
(I also make him brush his teeth before kissing me after eating meat. XD)"

(in response to question about the taste of tofurky)
"And you get the gravy, which is a very good replica of gravy made from chicken stock."

"eww i really dont think its good at all. ive tried and tofurkey just doesnt taste like turkey."

"No, it's not vegan to eat the eggs no matter how you treat the hen. And I don't think it's ethical for you to take the eggs from the chicken. If it's a broiler chicken, I don't even think they lay eggs, do they?

What you COULD do is care for the chicken as a rescue. What they do at sanctuaries since hens are bred to lay more eggs than what's natural, losing a lot of their vital nutrients, they feed the eggs back to the chickens.

When you take an egg from a hen, your perpetuating the idea that that egg is yours and that that hen is your property which is speciesist. Just like saying "women are here to serve man" or "we can use black people for slaves".

It's not a problem of HOW we use animals, it's the fact that we ARE using them."
This whole thread is made of funny

Thank you Peta2, for proving that as long as there are narrow-minded people in the world, there will never be a shortage of idiocy to laugh at.

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